Last week our class watched a documentary called “A Class Divided”. The video was basically about Jane Elliott, an Elementary school teacher and her grade 3 class, and an exercise that would show people’s views about discrimination. She rounded up the children and separated them. The ones that had blue eyes were treated properly, the ones that had brown eyes they were treated very poorly, and unfair. Then the tables were turned. After the exercise had concluded the children seemed really confused. But who really expected an 8 or 9 year old to understand the concept of what discrimination really is? The children were relived and that it was only a game to them, and now they can be whole again. Ten years later they all reunited, only this time they were all grown up and their teacher Jane Elliott came in and reflected on what happened on that day.
Personally I think everyone should experience this film no matter what race or ethnicity a person might be. Whether we realize it or not everyone in their life has experienced some form of discrimination or prejudice. I also think this was a brilliant example of how discrimination was presented. It also presents what it is like to be on the other side of the coin. After viewing this film hopefully a person would be less likely to focus on the differences they have with other people and see them as equals.